I grew up with that burning desire to help and assist the vulnerable (widows and orphans, physically challenged) and empower people around me. With the death of my husband in 2017 and the ordeal and pain I experienced, I decided to start up an organization in 2018 called CENTER FOR THE EMPOWERMENT OF YOUTHS AND VULNERABLE–CENEYV. This centre though not legalized; it empowered over 100 youths around the Buea municipality. CENEYV later in 2021, birthed FOUNDATION FOR THE ALLEVIATION OF POVERTY AND SUSTAINABLE LIVING-FOTAPS, with the motto ‘Helping One To Feed Many’, for a sustainable future. Legalized on 15th December 2021, FOTAPS has carried out several activities and programs to empower and educate women, girls, widows, orphans, internally displaced (IDPs), youths and young Cameroonians, in a bit to alleviate poverty (sdg 1&3) to reduce illiteracy and ensure quality and equitable education (SDG4).